Taxa Name
| Taxa Level | Barcode Data? | Number of Barcodes from any ocean | Number of Barcodes from this region | Barcode Locations and Species Occurence Map | MZGdb Atlas v2023-m07-15
2023-Jul-20 |
Cyanobacteria |
Phylum |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Phylum |
Total Species: 86 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 86 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004681
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ Cyanobacteria incertae sedis |
Class |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Class |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
temporary_name T2005870
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ Kirchneriellopsis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2025428
R:0:0:0:0 |
⋄ Cyanophyceae |
Class |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Class |
Total Species: 85 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 85 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002271
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ Nostocophycidae |
Subclass |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subclass |
Total Species: 25 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 25 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004736
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Nostocales |
Order |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Order |
Total Species: 25 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 25 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002273
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanizomenonaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002275
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Anabaenopsis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005089
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hapalosiphonaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006903
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Mastigocoleus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2009776
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Mastigocoleus testarum |
Species (1) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015164
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microchaetaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2006420
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microchaetoideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2007051
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microchaete |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012219
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microchaete vitiensis |
Species (2) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015194
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Nostocaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002274
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Anabaena |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002269
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Anabaena torulosa |
Species (3) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2012584
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanizomenon |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002270
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hydrocoryne |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012343
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hydrocoryne enteromorphoides |
Species (4) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2014733
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Nodularia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002267
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Nodularia harveyana |
Species (5) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002245
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Nodularia spumigena |
Species (6) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002268
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Nostoc |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2001569
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Richelia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002359
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Richelia intracellularis |
Species (7) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001987
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Rivulariaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 16 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 16 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002276
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Calothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002277
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Calothrix aeruginea |
Species (8) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007807
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Calothrix confervicola |
Species (9) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2003030
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Calothrix longifila |
Species (10) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007811
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Calothrix parasitica |
Species (11) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007812
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Calothrix rosea |
Species (12) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007814
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Calothrix scopulorum |
Species (13) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007815
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dichothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012342
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dichothrix fucicola |
Species (14) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2013738
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dichothrix olivacea |
Species (15) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2013739
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dichothrix penicillata |
Species (16) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2013740
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dichothrix rupicola |
Species (17) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2013741
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Gardnerula |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005264
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Gardnerula corymbosa |
Species (18) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2008912
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Isactis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005314
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Isactis centrifuga |
Species (19) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2009509
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Isactis plana |
Species (20) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2009510
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Rivularia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012214
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Rivularia atra |
Species (21) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2016180
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Rivularia bullata |
Species (22) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2016182
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Rivularia nitida |
Species (23) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002272
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Scytonemataceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002361
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Scytonematopsis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002360
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Scytonematopsis crustacea |
Species (24) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2004285
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Symphyonemataceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006696
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Brachytrichia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2007733
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Brachytrichia quoyi |
Species (25) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2012937
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoriophycideae |
Subclass |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subclass |
Total Species: 39 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 39 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004737
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Chroococcales |
Order |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Order |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002278
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanothecaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2017110
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanothece |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2017116
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanothece paralleliformis |
Species (26) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2017194
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Chroococcaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2006412
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Chroococcus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2008016
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dactylococcopsis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2008395
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Cyanobacteriaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2006693
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Gloeothece |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2009099
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Entophysalidaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006414
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Entophysalidoideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2007050
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Entophysalis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2008698
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Entophysalis deusta |
Species (27) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2013936
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Entophysalis granulosa |
Species (28) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2013937
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Johannesbaptistia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2009534
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Johannesbaptistia pellucida |
Species (29) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2014771
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Gomphosphaeriaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006922
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Gomphosphaeria |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2026015
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Woronichinia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012083
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microcystaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002283
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Gloeocapsa |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005280
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microcystis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2000125
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microcystis aeruginosa |
Species (30) |
COI = 2
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2017272
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microcystis flos-aquae |
Species (31) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2009861
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Stichosiphonaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006923
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Stichosiphon |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012261
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoriales |
Order |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Order |
Total Species: 27 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 27 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002279
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Coleofasciculaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2007001
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Cyanothecaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2007024
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Cyanothece |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2008323
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microcoleaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002284
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Arthrospira |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005107
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Arthrospira miniata |
Species (32) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2012686
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Caldora |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005142
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Caldora penicillata |
Species (33) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007784
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Microcoleus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005360
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoriaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 17 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 17 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2002280
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Blennothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005125
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Blennothrix comoides |
Species (34) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007692
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Blennothrix glutinosa |
Species (35) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007693
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Blennothrix lyngbyacea |
Species (36) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2007694
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005335
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lyngbya |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005351
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lyngbya aestuarii |
Species (37) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002167
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lyngbya confervoides |
Species (38) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002433
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lyngbya lutea |
Species (39) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001991
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lyngbya majuscula |
Species (40) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2017325
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lyngbya semiplena |
Species (41) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2003032
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lyngbya sordida |
Species (42) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002492
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoria |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2000666
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoria corallinae |
Species (43) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002502
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoria margaritifera |
Species (44) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2010262
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoria princeps |
Species (45) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002210
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Pelagothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005416
R:0:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidium |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2012217
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidium nigroviride |
Species (46) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001996
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidium roseum |
Species (47) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2024644
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidium salinarum |
Species (48) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015629
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidium submembranaceum |
Species (49) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002062
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidium thwaitesii |
Species (50) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015630
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oscillatoriales incertae sedis |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006933
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oxynema |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2010281
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidiaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004136
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phormidioideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004805
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Coleofasciculus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005173
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes |
Species (51) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2008150
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Planktothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005439
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Symploca |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005539
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Symploca atlantica |
Species (52) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2011535
R:1:1:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Symploca hydnoides |
Species (53) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002286
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Trichodesmium |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2001983
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Trichodesmium erythraeum |
Species (54) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001984
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Trichodesmium thiebautii |
Species (55) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001985
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Schizotrichaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006416
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Schizothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012216
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Schizothrix calcicola |
Species (56) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2003029
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Schizothrix mexicana |
Species (57) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2016278
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Trichocoleus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2011840
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Trichocoleus tenerrimus |
Species (58) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2016693
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulinales |
Order |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Order |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002281
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulinaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2002282
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulina |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2000958
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulina major |
Species (59) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2003059
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulina meneghiniana |
Species (60) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2002219
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulina rosea |
Species (61) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2003063
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulina subsalsa |
Species (62) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2003055
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulina tenerrima |
Species (63) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001982
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Spirulina versicolor |
Species (64) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2011355
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ Pleurocapsales |
Order |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Order |
Total Species: 7 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 7 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005967
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dermocarpellaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006418
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Cyanocystis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2008321
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dermocarpella |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012227
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Dermocarpella prasina |
Species (65) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2013721
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Stanieria |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2011377
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Stanieria minima |
Species (66) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2016491
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hydrococcaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006413
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyella |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012215
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyella caespitosa |
Species (67) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2014737
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Solentia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2011293
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Solentia stratosa |
Species (68) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2016394
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyellaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006415
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Pleurocapsa |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012212
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Pleurocapsa fuliginosa |
Species (69) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015724
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Xenococcaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2006419
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Xenococcus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012084
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Xenococcus schousboei |
Species (70) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2017101
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ Stigonematales |
Order |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Order |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2001981
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ Synechococcophycidae |
Subclass |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subclass |
Total Species: 14 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 14 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004741
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Synechococcales |
Order |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Order |
Total Species: 14 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 14 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004161
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptolyngbyaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 5 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2007004
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leibleinia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2025281
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leibleinia gracilis |
Species (71) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2003041
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptolyngbyoideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2007035
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptolyngbya |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2012218
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptolyngbya crosbyana |
Species (72) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015011
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptolyngbya fragilis |
Species (73) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015013
R:1:0:0:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptolyngbya tenuis |
Species (74) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015015
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Leptolyngbya terebrans |
Species (75) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015016
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Planktolyngbya |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2010560
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Merismopediaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004205
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Merismopedioideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 6 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004803
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanocapsa |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005100
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanocapsa litoralis |
Species (76) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001980
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanocapsa marina |
Species (77) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2012647
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanocapsa reinboldii |
Species (78) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2012648
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Eucapsis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005241
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Merismopedia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004383
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Merismopedia glauca |
Species (79) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2001978
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Merismopedia tenuissima |
Species (80) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2009808
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Merismopedia warmingiana |
Species (81) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2009809
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Synechocystis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005540
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Pseudanabaenaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004131
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Pseudanabaenoideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2007036
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Heteroleibleinia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2009388
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Heteroleibleinia infixa |
Species (82) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2014686
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Limnothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2009689
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Pseudanabaena |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2012249
R:1:0:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Pseudanabaena persicina |
Species (83) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2015817
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Tapinothrix |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2011586
R:1:0:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Tapinothrix violacea |
Species (84) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
no map |
accepted T2016599
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Synechococcaceae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004162
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Aphanothecoideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004807
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Cyanodictyon |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2004199
R:1:1:1:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Prochlorococcus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
no map |
accepted T2005457
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Synechococcoideae |
Subfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Subfamily |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004806
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Synechococcus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 0 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T2004163
R:1:1:1:1 |