Taxa Name
| Taxa Level | Barcode Data? | Number of Barcodes from any ocean | Number of Barcodes from this region | Barcode Locations and Species Occurence Map | MZGdb Atlas v2023-m07-15
2023-Jul-21 |
Hyperiidea |
Suborder |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Suborder |
Total Species: 29 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 18
Total COI-Barcodes: 237 |
Total Species: 29 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 3 |
accepted T4000201
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ Physocephalata |
Infraorder |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Infraorder |
Total Species: 28 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 18
Total COI-Barcodes: 237 |
Total Species: 28 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 3 |
accepted T4008385
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ Physocephalatidira |
Parvorder |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Parvorder |
Total Species: 28 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 18
Total COI-Barcodes: 237 |
Total Species: 28 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 3 |
accepted T4008651
R:1:1:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronimoidea |
Superfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Superfamily |
Total Species: 13 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 10
Total COI-Barcodes: 214 |
Total Species: 13 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4023316
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyperiidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 124 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4000495
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyperia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 18 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4000507
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyperia galba |
Species (1) |
COI = 18
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 2
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001091
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Themisto |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 106 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4000805
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Themisto abyssorum |
Species (2) |
COI = 106
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 2
28S = 1
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4000493
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lestrigonidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 3
Total COI-Barcodes: 17 |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003423
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyperioides |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 9 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4021213
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Hyperioides longipes |
Species (3) |
COI = 9
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 1
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4022049
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lestrigonus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 1 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4021233
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lestrigonus latissimus |
Species (4) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4056265
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lestrigonus schizogeneios |
Species (5) |
COI = 1
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 1
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4022110
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronimopsis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 7 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003424
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronimopsis spinifera |
Species (6) |
COI = 7
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4003425
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronimidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 4
Total COI-Barcodes: 49 |
Total Species: 4 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4000402
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronima |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 3
Total COI-Barcodes: 19 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4001013
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronima atlantica |
Species (7) |
COI = 3
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001886
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronima sedentaria |
Species (8) |
COI = 8
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4000849
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronima stebbingi |
Species (9) |
COI = 8
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4063778
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronimella |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 30 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003554
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phronimella elongata |
Species (10) |
COI = 30
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 3
28S = 2
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001321
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phrosinidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 24 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003244
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Anchylomera |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4036087
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Anchylomera blossevillei |
Species (11) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4043390
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phrosina |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 24 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4000811
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Phrosina semilunata |
Species (12) |
COI = 24
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 3
28S = 2
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001320
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Primno |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4001226
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Primno macropa |
Species (13) |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 1
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001027
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Platysceloidea |
Superfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Superfamily |
Total Species: 12 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 6
Total COI-Barcodes: 16 |
Total Species: 12 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 3 |
accepted T4009200
R:1:1:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Amphithyridae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4024969
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Amphithyrus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4025077
R:1:1:1:1 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Amphithyrus sculpturatus |
Species (14) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4043248
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Brachyscelidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 12 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 3 |
accepted T4009399
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Brachyscelus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 12 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 3 |
accepted T4009479
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Brachyscelus crusculum |
Species (15) |
COI = 6
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 1
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4010376
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Brachyscelus rapacoides |
Species (16) |
COI = 6
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 3
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4016675
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Eupronoidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003484
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Eupronoe |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4001319
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Eupronoe maculata |
Species (17) |
COI = 1
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4011600
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Eupronoe minuta |
Species (18) |
COI = 1
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4011601
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lycaeidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4026936
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lycaea |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4027988
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lycaea pulex |
Species (19) |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 2
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4057016
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lycaeopsidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4072464
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lycaeopsis |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4074692
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Lycaeopsis themistoides |
Species (20) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4080936
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oxycephalidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003399
R:1:1:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oxycephalus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003524
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Oxycephalus piscator |
Species (21) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4061547
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Rhabdosoma |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4021313
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Rhabdosoma brevicaudatum |
Species (22) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4066708
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Platyscelidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 2 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003243
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Platyscelus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 1 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4001170
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Platyscelus ovoides |
Species (23) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001447
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Platyscelus serratulus |
Species (24) |
COI = 1
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001225
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Tetrathyrus |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 1
Total COI-Barcodes: 1 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4021347
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Tetrathyrus forcipatus |
Species (25) |
COI = 1
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4022613
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Vibilioidea |
Superfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Superfamily |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 7 |
Total Species: 3 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4023315
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Paraphronimidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003283
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Paraphronima |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4000997
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Paraphronima crassipes |
Species (26) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4062655
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Vibiliidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 7 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4003245
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Vibilia |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 2
Total COI-Barcodes: 7 |
Total Species: 2 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4000564
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Vibilia armata |
Species (27) |
COI = 3
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001316
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Vibilia viatrix |
Species (28) |
COI = 4
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 1
28S = 1
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4031244
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ Physosomata |
Infraorder |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Infraorder |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4008384
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ Physosomatidira |
Parvorder |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Parvorder |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4008650
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Scinoidea |
Superfamily |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Superfamily |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4023313
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Scinidae |
Family |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Family |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4001224
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Scina |
Genus |
cummulative sub-totals -------> for this Genus |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
Total Species: 1 Sp. w/COI-Barcodes: 0
Total COI-Barcodes: 0 |
accepted T4001026
R:1:0:0:0 |
⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Scina crassicornis |
Species (29) |
No barcodes? |
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
COI = 0
12S = 0
16S = 0
18S = 0
28S = 0
accepted T4001888
R:1:0:0:0 |