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COPEPOD Databases
Plankton and ecosystem databases, compilations, and ancillary information.

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C oastal &
O ceanic
P lankton
E cology,
P roduction &
O bservation
D atabase
Plankton Database
about COPEPOD box
a historical database of plankton cruises, projects, and surveys
Time-series Metabase
about COPEPODITE box
a directory to over 340 marine ecological time series and programs
Spatial Fields
about NAUPLIUS box
spatiotemporal fields, climatologies, and visualization tools
Individual Plankton Traits
about COPEPEDIA box
a collection of plankton trait and rate data, as well as photos and distribution maps

COPEPOD :   the global plankton database
graphic icon of searching terms

    • see a listing of all data from a given GEOGRAPHIC REGION
            (e.g., North Atlantic or Baltic Sea)
    • search by associated PROJECT (e.g., CalCOFI or JGOFS)
    • search by associated INSTITUTION (e.g., WHOI or IMR)
    • search by associated COUNTRY (e.g., Germany or India)
    • search by associated SHIP or CRUISE (e.g., Eltanin cruise 27)
    • search by associated INVESTIGATOR (e.g., Brodskii or Odate)

    • see the full (long) listing of ALL DATA SETS in COPEPOD.

COPEPODITE :   the time-series explorer

NAUPLIUS :   ecosystems data and visualization  

COPEPEDIA :   individual plankton trait and distribution info