
Preliminary estimates are produced every two months, and final (revised) estimates each spring.  Survey and estimate datasets are posted for download following the production of estimates and initial quality control procedures.  All preliminary data is subject to change and will likely be revised prior to being posted as final. The direction and magnitude of such revisions are unpredictable.  Please familiarize yourself with the limitations and use of preliminary data.
When downloads are separated by coasts, combined Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico data are annotated with "AG", Gulf-only data with "GU", and Pacific data with "PC". Some downloads may have been produced in the past, but are not currently available. 

MRFSS Datasets 

MRFSS estimates and survey data are currently available through 2003 and do not include revised estimates produced under the MRIP program.

MRIP Datasets and Template Programs

The MRIP template programs should be used with the MRIP survey datasets.  MRIP survey datasets are optimized for use by the MRIP programs, and other files available on our website are not compatible with these programs.

For more information on each type of file, see MRIP Read Me.doc.  Variable formats and descriptions can be found in MRIP_Estimates_Variables.xls (estimate dataset variables) or MRIP_Survey_Variables.xls (survey dataset variables).

MRIP Datasets

*** UPDATE *** 
TRIP_YYYYW survey data were reposted on 10/31/2014 to correct for inadvertently missing data elements in some records for CH and HB modes, 2004-2006 waves 2-6 only, Mid-Atlantic and North Atlantic sub-regions.  The only estimates impacted by this change are directed trip estimates based on target species for the above years, modes, and sub-regions.

Each survey data zip file,, contains three files per year/wave.

  • TRIP_YYYYW.sas7bdat

Trip level data (analogous to MRFSS i1 dataset) and variables required for use in estimation.  Contains one record per angler-trip interview (identified by id_code). 

  • CATCH_YYYYW.sas7bdat

Catch level data and variables required for use in estimation.  Contains one record per species for every angler-trip interview.

  • SIZE_YYYYW.sas7bdat

Fish level length and weight data and variables required for use in estimation.  Contains one record per fish caught and measured or weighed by interviewer.

MRIP Template Programs

****** UPDATE ******

The Directed Trip Query and template program were updated on 12/11/2014, to address a few remaining issues related to the use of grouped catch as a criterion to define directed trips.  This revision builds on the update applied on 11/26/ 2014.  Changes in applicable directed trip estimates should be minimal, but we advise rerunning any directed trip queries that were run prior to this update.


To download the MRIP Template programs, please RIGHT CLICK the template program filename below and select SAVE LINK AS.

MRIP catch estimation for custom domains.

This is a template program for estimating catch totals using the MRIP public-use datasets.

The program is setup to use information in the trip_yyyyw dataset to define custom domains.  The catches are estimated within the domains by merging the trip information onto the catch_yyyyw datasets.  See program for additional information.

MRIP directed angler-trips (effort) for custom domains.

This is a template program for estimating directed trips using the MRIP public-use datasets.

The program is setup to use trip_yyyyw datasets to define custom domains and estimate total angler-trips within domains.  Catch information can be used in defining the domains by merging the catch_yyyyw datasets onto the trip_yyyyw datasets.  See program for additional information.

MRIP length frequencies for single species within custom domains.

This is a template program for estimating length frequencies using the MRIP public-use datasets.

The program is setup to calculate length frequencies (in numbers of fish and as proportions) using the size_yyyyw datasets. Custom estimation domains may be defined by merging trip information from the trip_yyyyw datasets onto the size datasets. See program for additional information.

Domain: a defined sub-level, geographic or otherwise, of the stratified estimation design. Typically, these are sub-state geographic divisions based on county groups, or even sampled site groups if the domain cannot be defined by county boarders.