METABASE logo Time Series listed by Variable
Hydrographic and Biogeochemical Variables

# of
Var CodeVariable Description
--- Pigments & related Variables ---
410 hchlz Chlorophyll (any combined-type/unitless)
--- Physical Variables ---
364 htemp Temperature
355 hpsal Salinity
351 hchla Chlorophyll-a
--- Other hydrographic/biogeochemical Variables ---
287 hdoxy Dissolved Oxygen
--- Nutrient Variables ---
283 hnpo4 Phosphate
249 hnnh4 Ammonium
223 hnnox Nitrate + Nitrite
185 hnno3 Nitrate
177 hnsi4 Silicate
172 hnno2 Nitrite
156 hturb Turbidity
76 hphph pH
60 hntop Total Phosphorus
58 hsech Secchi Depth
56 hnttn Total Nitrogen
40 hchlp CPR-PCI Phyto-Colour-Index
26 hoxst Oxygen Saturation
19 htalk Total Alkalinity
18 hchlf Fluorescence
12 hphae Phaeophytin
7 hstss TSS
7 hchlo Chlorophyll (other)
5 hsdoc DOC
4 hspoc POC
4 hmldm Mixed Layer Depth (MLD)
4 hdens Density
3 hspon PON
3 hsdin DIN
3 hsdic DIC
2 hspom POM
2 hspim PIM
1 hstoc TOC
1 hspop POP
1 hsdip DIP
1 hlatt Light Attenuation

Satellite & Global in-situ Variables

# of
Var CodeVariable Description
513 rwind ICOADS scalar Winds
513 rhsst Hadley SST
511 rchla OCCCI satellite Chlorophyll
507 rpsal HEN4 Salinity
494 rmldm ORAM-MT2 Mixed Layer Depth
467 rrsst Reynolds OI-SSTv2 Temperature
342 rrain ESRL Monthly Total Precipitation
152 rnppm CbPM2 Net Primary Production
4 rrice Reynolds OI-ICEv2 Sea Ices Coverage
Zooplankton Variables

# of
Var CodeVariable Description
232 zmzoo Zooplankton All (any combined-type/unitless)
--- Group-totals abundance Variables ---
192 zmabd Zooplankton Abundance (any combined-type/unitless)
157 ztotc Total Copepods
--- Total-sample biomass Variables ---
97 zmbio Zooplankton Biomass (any combined-type/unitless)
62 ztotz Total Zooplankton
42 ztbm4 Total Dry Mass (Zoo)
28 ztbm3 Total Wet Mass (Zoo)
27 ztbm1 Total Displacement Volume (Zoo)
12 zcbm3 Total Copepod Biomass
9 zclad Total Cladocera
8 zeuph Total Euphausiids
8 zchae Total Chaetognatha
5 ztots Total Salps
5 ztbm6 Total Carbon Mass (Zoo)
5 zamph Total Amphipoda
4 ztotk Total Krill
4 zmero Total Meroplankton
4 zdeca Total Decapoda
3 zcten Total Ctenophora
2 zmicr Total Microzooplankton
2 zisop Total Isopoda
2 zcnid Total Cnidaria
1 zgela Total Gelationous

"Phytoplankton" Variables

# of
Var CodeVariable Description
184 pdiat Total Diatoms
183 pdino Total Dinoflagellates
176 pddrt Diatoms:Diatoms+Dinoflagellates
70 pcoco Total Coccolithophorids
60 peugl Total Euglenophyceae
60 pcyan Total Cyanophyceae
58 pcryp Total Cryptophyceae
52 pclor Total Chlorophyceae
47 pcili Total Ciliates
46 ppras Total Prasinophyceae
41 ptint Total Tintinnids
39 pchrs Total Chrysophyceae
17 pflag Total Ebriophyceae/Ebriidea
13 pbact Total Bacteria
10 psyne Total Synechococcus
8 ppeuk Total Picoeukaryotes
6 puoth Total Nanoeukaryotes
4 ppclc Total Prochlorococcus
1 pform Total Foraminifera

Meteorological Variables (in-situ)

# of
Var CodeVariable Description
113 mwind Wind Speed
108 mtemp Air Temperature
106 mrain Rainfall

Last updated:   2021-Oct-29