Operational Status

green light Normal Operation:

The interface system you are using ("COPEPOD", "COPEPODITE", or"NAUPLIUS") is running without any expected or known issues.

If you receive an error or have a problem with the system during a "Green Light", it is probably a real problem that you should let know about so he can look into it.

yellow light Possible Disruptions in Operation:

Parts of the NAUPLIUS system are being updated, which may cause temporary disruptions (e.g., incomplete responses or errors) in service.   You may not have any problems at all, either.   This is just a "caution" to let you know the system may spit out a false error.

If you receive an error or have a problem with the system during a "Yellow Light", there is a very good chance that the issue will go away at a later time (i.e., when the system returns to "Green Light" operations).

redy light "Ooooops!" (Something is not working at the moment.):  

A "Red Light" indicates that there is a problem with the system.

If you receive an error or have a problem with the system during a "Red Light", there is a VERY VERY good change that the issue will go away when the system returns to "Green Light" operations.