Time Series that contain Gyrodinium fusiforme (or its taxonomic siblings).
The data below may not be part of the COPEPOD database. Data inquires can be made through the contact points provided in the summary page connected in the blue bracket-surrounded "[]" links below.
Baltic Proper BY15 [fi-30104-001] |
Baltic Proper LL23 [fi-30104-004] |
Northern Baltic Proper Region: BY15+BY38+LL17+LL23 [fi-30104] |
East Coast Ireland [ie-30101] |
Northwest Coast Ireland [ie-30102] |
South Coast Ireland [ie-30103] |
Southwest Coast Ireland [ie-30104] |
West Coast Ireland [ie-30105] |
Gulf of Naples LTER-MC [it-30101] |
Gulf of Trieste [it-30201] |
Gdansk Basin [pl-30101] |
Bornholm Basin [pl-30102] |
Pomeranian Bay [pl-30103] |
Southern Gotland Basin [pl-30104] |