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Sampling and Processing Summary
Two different gear types (with multiple within-net mesh sizes) were used during the Carnegie cruise.

This cruise used ordinary conical one-meter (diameter) and half-meter (diameter) nets of fine-meshed bolting cloth.
The one meter net was also referred to as a "Michael Sars" one meter net.
The one meter nets were comprised of three silk mesh sizes, and the half meter nets were comprised of two silk mesh sizes.
Each net therefore had a mesh range covering the 366 to 76 um range (due to multiple meshes used within a single net).

The original data included data from horizontal tows at 0, 50, and 100 meters. These were combined to create a single "0-100 m" value.

All tows were done only at 8:30 am (local mean time).

Sampling Gear Net Mesh Tow Method
( depth range )
# of Tow
% of all Tows
Plankton Net (type not specified) 76 um unspecified 160 100.0 %
Sub-Collection:   Carnegie Cruise VII (1928-1929) COPEPOD
Web v14.1   [ 2017-Sep ]