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Ecosystems data and visualization tools.

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N umerical
A nalysis,
U niform
PL otting &
I ntegration of
U ser-selected
S ubregions
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about NAUPLIUS box
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The Numerical Analysis, Uniform PLotting & Integration of User-selected Subregions component (NAUPLIUS) of COPEPOD is a compilation of data sources, analytical methods, and graphical visualizations that came about while working with NMFS scientists and plankton time series working groups.   It was created while solving the needs of these working groups, used to address real questions and pursuits in the plankton and ecosystems community.

NAUPLIUS has two sub-elements.
  • The first element is the NAUPLIUS Spatiotemporal Data Toolkit".   For almost any ocean location or area, this tool will extract corresponding satellite, model, and product data.   Users then have the option to continue and visualize this data using graphics from the COPEPODITE time series toolkit.

  • The second element is the "NAUPLIUS Gridded Fields Explorer".   This interface allows the user to view (and download data from) gridded product and satellite data, at a variety of gridding resolutions.
NAUPLIUS Spatiotemporal Data Toolkit
NAUPLIUS can create satellite- and product- based spatiotemporal time series and analytical summaries for a user-selected point, transect, or box.  With just a few clicks, NAUPLIUS can prepare personalized data sets and graphical figures that can be used immediately or loaded into your own software for further calculations and analysis.

Click on the graphic to the right to go to the toolkit --->

NAUPLIUS also offers pre-prepared larger regional overviews with data and figures summarizing interannual and seasonal averages and trends in SST, satellite chlorophyll and wind, and model-based MLD specific to that region.
  example output from the Toolkit
The NAUPLIUS/COPEPODITE Toolkit will provide standard time series variables from any region in the ocean, and (optionally) plot it using COPEPODITE time series tools.

NAUPLIUS Gridded Fields Explorer

Why does the NAUPLIUS Explorer exist?

There is a wealth of data available for a person studying ecosystem status and trends in the northeast U.S. continental shelf region.   One only needs to go to the various NOAA, NASA, IOOS, NODC, NMFS, NCDC, and NGDC sites, download hundreds of data files (hundreds of gigabytes worth) and spend the next month programming.   After writing conversion tools and programs to process the multitude of data formats, the next step is tackling the different spatial grid sizes (from "9 km" to "1 degree") and reference systems (are the values gridded by numeric indices or latitude/longitudes, and do the locations represent the center or the top-left-corner of each grid cell).

After all that hard work, you may have a few surprises.   For example, the World Ocean Database nutrient fields are 1x1 degree (~100 x 100 km) while the satellite chlorophyll data are a tiny fraction of that size, and each covers the near-shore areas of your study area in completely different ways.   All of this assumes you have a software package capable of mapping and contouring these types of data (Excel can't do it).

Of course the other solution is to use NAUPLIUS ... with a collection of pre-made regional extractions and the ability to request custom extractions to fit your needs.

slideshow of different NAUPLIUS graphics

Animation showing a mixture of enivronmental variables for the northeast U.S. shelf region.   The white nearshore gaps in some figures represent artifacts of coastal coverage by lower resolution data products.