User's Guide for Public Access Fishing Site Register

Getting Started:

  1. Use the search options to select site(s) of interest
  2. Explore a site
    • Select a site to review by clicking on the “View” button in the search results site list
    • Use the tabs on right side of screen to explore site-specific information
  3. Download the results of your search output site list
    • Select the export type
    • Click the “Export” button
    • Select a directory to save the CSV (Excel compatible) file

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What types of sites are in this fishing site register?
A: Only sites where the public has access to fish, and has been observed fishing, are included. Sites with incomplete data are not included.

Q: How do I download all the site data?
A: Use the search function to select sites (search on state = [blank] for all sites.)

Q: Who enters data for these sites? Can I have an account?
A: NOAA Fisheries partners and contractors are responsible for collecting site data, and maintaining accurate, current data in the site register. Only these partners, and NOAA Fisheries staff managing the survey, are provided accounts.

Q: What should I do if I see something wrong or inappropriate?
A: If you find incorrect, outdated, or inappropriate data in this site register, please email We will investigate and/or correct the error immediately.

Q: Why are there two different maps?
A: The site-specific map uses only the street address, and not all sites have a valid address. The search-result map uses coordinates (latitude and longitude), which are required. However, there is a cap on the number of sites shown. If your site does not appear on the search-result map, narrow your search criteria for a more representative map.

Q: What constitutes a “Major Tournament”?
A: A major fishing tournament is defined as an organized competitive fishing event and involves the award of trophies, prizes or other recognition. Major tournaments are generally publicized in advance and typically require that participants pre-register to participate.

Q: Why don’t all the site pressures show up when I open my PRESSURE.CSV file with Excel?
A: Depending on the version of Excel, there are limits to the number of rows in a worksheet. You can either break the CSV file into smaller pieces, or refine your criteria to select few locations before exporting the file.