
MRIP is a collaboration of fisheries scientists, stock assessors, managers, and stakeholders overseeing the continual evolution, improvement, and implementation of a series of regionally-based data collection programs. 

The MRIP Teams and NOAA Fisheries regional Partners work together to ensure that the data collected through MRIP surveys is held to the highest standard. 


MRIP is managed via a Team structure, under the guidance of an Executive Steering Committee (ESC). To assure transparency and to achieve customer and stakeholder support, the ESC and the MRIP Teams are comprised of members from NOAA Fisheries headquarters, its Regions and Fisheries Science Centers, and of state agency and Interstate Marine Fishery Commissions staff. In addition, the Teams are joined by participants from the regional Fishery Management Councils and key stakeholder organizations. 

Click on the links below for more information on each MRIP Team.






MRIP Partners

Regional partners are vital because data needs for effective management can differ substantially in different parts of the country, and even among various fisheries within each region. National standards ensure that regardless of the specific decisions made by each region, all recreational fisheries survey and estimation methods withstand a rigorous independent peer review and the fisheries statistics meet the quality sufficient to ensure the sustainable use of recreational fishing resources.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP)

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC)

Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission RecFIN (GSMFC RecFIN)

Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources 

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries 

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission RecFIN (PSMFC RecFIN)

Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources 

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department

Western Pacific Fisheries Information Network (WPacFIN)