Marine Recreational Information Program Strategic Plan

The Marine Recreational Information Program developed a five-year Strategic Plan that formalizes our longstanding approach to improving saltwater recreational fishing catch and effort estimates. The plan defines MRIP’s vision, direction, and metrics for success; outlines a road map for charting our course; and provides a timeline for getting there.  

Internal and external partners—including the Regional Fishery Management Councils and Interstate Marine Fisheries Commissions—worked with NOAA Fisheries staff to develop the MRIP Strategic Plan. Stakeholder feedback on the draft plan, submitted during the 90-day public comment period, was incorporated into the final version. 

Click here to view or download the 2017-2022 MRIP Strategic Plan.

Supporting documents

Hoshin X Matrix

A Hoshin X Matrix is a strategic planning tool that is used to ensure alignment among overall goals, strategies, tactics, and outcomes. It is also valuable for tracking progress and promoting accountability. The Xs and Os on the matrix indicate a correlation between corresponding rows and columns. An X indicates there is a direct correlation, while an O indicates an indirect or supporting correlation. 

Tactical Implementation Schedule

This spreadsheet provides additional details about the tactics outlined in the MRIP Strategic Plan, how they relate to one another, and the sequencing of events.

Public Comments and MRIP Response 

MRIP solicited stakeholder feedback during the public comment period (April-June 2017). More than 150 comments were received from 19 respondents and revisions were incorporated into the final version of the plan. This spreadsheet includes the complete list of public comments and MRIP’s response and/or revisions to the strategic plan.