***************************************************** MRIP catch estimation for custom domains System requirements: Recommended Version - SAS 9.3 Required Version - SAS 8 or higher The following components are required: Base SAS SAS/STAT This is a template program for estimating catch totals using the MRIP public-use datasets. The program is setup to use information in the trip_yyyyw dataset to define custom domains. The catches are estimated within the domains by merging the trip information onto the catch_yyyyw datasets. Required input datasets: trip_yyyyw catch_yyyyw yyyy = year w = wave TO RUN PROGRAM: 1. Specify location of MRIP trip_yyyyw and catch_yyyyw SAS datasets in libname statement. 2. Select a range of years and waves to include in analysis. 3. Define domain. Domain: a defined sub-level, geographic or otherwise, of the stratified estimation design. Typically, these are sub-state geographic divisions based on county groups, or even sampled site groups if the domain cannot be defined by county boarders. JFoster 3/2012 ****************************************************; *location of MRIP trip_yyyyw and catch_yyyyw sas datasets; libname mrip "c:\my_mrip_data"; *Select range of years and wave to include in analysis. Program will include data from wv_st to wv_nd for each year. Note: estimation will take a long time if many years/waves are included in a single run; %let yr_st=2011; *start year; %let yr_nd=2011; *end year; %let wv_st=3; *start wave; %let wv_nd=3; *end wave; %Macro compile_data; data trip; set %do y = &yr_st. %to &yr_nd.; %do w = &wv_st. %to &wv_nd.; mrip.trip_&y.&w. %end; %end; ; run; data catch; set %do y = &yr_st. %to &yr_nd.; %do w = &wv_st. %to &wv_nd.; mrip.catch_&y.&w. %end; %end; ; run; %Mend compile_data; %compile_data; proc sort data=trip; by strat_id psu_id id_code; run; proc sort data=catch; by strat_id psu_id id_code; run; data mycatch; *keeping st and cnty from trip to define domain, add other fields as needed; merge trip(keep=strat_id psu_id id_code st cnty) catch(in=c); by strat_id psu_id id_code; if c; run; * DEFINE DOMAIN; /******************************************************************************** * EXAMPLE 1 * * This definition reproduces standard catch estimates. * ********************************************************************************/ data mycatch; set mycatch; if st=37; my_dom_id = compress(year||wave||st||sub_reg||mode_fx||area_x); run; /******************************************************************************** * EXAMPLE 2 * * Example provided uses county merged in from the trip dataset * * to define 2 custom domains in NC (North, South). * * * * my_dom_id can be modified to calculate estimates at higher levels * * by removing variables from the definition. * * e.g., my_dom_id = compress(year||st||sub_reg||mode_fx||dom_id); * * will give annuals estimates by state and mode_fx with NC still split * * into North and South. * ********************************************************************************/ /* data my_nc_catch; set mycatch; if st=37; dom_id=0; if st=37 and cnty in (15 29 41 53 55 139 143 177 187) then dom_id=1; *North NC; if st=37 and cnty in (13 19 31 49 95 129 133 137 141 147) then dom_id=2; *South NC; my_dom_id = compress(year||wave||st||sub_reg||mode_fx||area_x||dom_id); run; */ /******************************************************************************** * Surveymeans will estimate catch totals, by catch type, in each domain for * * every species and put them in the output dataset 'my_domain_totals'. * * * * tot_cat = Total Catch, A + B1 + B2 * * * * landing = Total Landings, A + B1 * * * * claim = Observed Landings, A * * harvest = Reported Landings, B1 * * release = Reported Releases, B2 * * * * Specifying the survey design information and sample weight * * (strat_id, psu_id, wp_int) and including the 'missing' option * * are necessary to get appropriate variance estimates. * * * * To reduce time need to run surveymeans, it is allowable to subset * * data by any of the following strata variables if estimates are not * * needed for all combinations: * * * * year * * wave * * st * * sub_reg * * mode_fx * * * * For example if estimates are only needed for NC: * * data my_nc_catch; * * set mycatch; * * if st=37; *fips code for NC; * * * * run; * * Then modify surveymeans to use my_nc_catch in place of mycatch. * ********************************************************************************/ proc surveymeans data=mycatch sum cvsum varsum missing; strata strat_id; cluster psu_id; weight wp_int; domain my_dom_id*common; var tot_cat landing claim harvest release wgt_ab1; ods output domain=my_domain_totals; run;